The Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library is a grassroots organization that promotes gardening with native plants to provide food and habitat for bees, butterflies, insects, birds, and other wildlife. 

We are built on three pillars:

  • Provide free access to seeds
  • Teach people about gardening responsibly
  • Ask seed recipients to reciprocate the gift of nature 

Just like a regular library, the Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library provides free seeds and plants that people can “check out” to grow in their own gardens. Once the plants have flowered and gone to seed, people can “return” some seeds to the library to make them available for other people. 

Learn more by following us on FacebookInstagram, and YouTube.

In 2022-2023, we provided seeds to more than 1300 people and community projects, resulting in a minimum of  156,000 new plants, from 177 different species.

Help us continue to maintain habitat corridors for our wildlife and donate your native plant seeds! 

The Ottawa Wildflower Seed  Library acknowledges that the land we grow and gather on is the traditional and unceded territory of the Anishinaabe nations. Respect was lost for nature and Indigenous peoples through colonialization, racism and individualism. May our collective work restore our relationships with our human, plant, insect and animal communities.